2017 Jul 25th Reading Ref
New skill: API calls / react js
Business trip to Ho Chi Ming City
Looking for opportunities in SEA
- Enhancing CSS Layout: From Floats To Flexbox To Grid 2017/07/25 ★★★
- Using CSS to detect and counting Prime Numbers 2017/07/25 ★★
- CSS Grid Layout Slideshow 2017/07/25
- A Collection of Interesting Facts about CSS Grid Layout 2017/07/25
- 12 Fun CSS Text Shadows You Can Copy and Paste 2017/07/25
- Let’s Talk About Speech CSS 2017/07/25 ★★★★
- CSS Database 2017/07/25
- CSS-only image slider using SVG patterns 2017/07/25
- Advanced SCSS 2017/07/25
- Did CSS get more complicated since the late nineties? 2017/07/25 ★★★★★
- Methods to Organize CSS 2017/07/25 ★★★
- CSS Myths 2017/07/25
- Is it really safe to start using CSS Grid Layout? 2017/07/25
- What’s the Deal with Collapsible Margins? 2017/07/25
- The Options for Programmatically Documenting CSS 2017/07/25
- Does__BEM — work? 2017/07/25
- A Friendly Introduction to Flexbox for Beginners 2017/07/25
- The Options for Programmatically Documenting CSS 2017/07/25 ★★★
- Letter Effects and Interaction Ideas (Part 2) 2017/07/25
- Grid layout, grid layout everywhere! 2017/07/25
- You do not need a CSS Grid based Grid System 2017/07/25
- Five Huge CSS Milestones 2017/07/25
- CSS is Awesome 2017/07/25
- Aspect Ratios in CSS are a Hack 2017/07/25
- Connect: behind the front-end experience 2017/07/25
- Style Guides as Products 2017/07/25
- 9 Exciting Open Source Sass Frameworks 2017/07/25
- Less Grid Boilerplate 2017/07/25
- Powerful New Additions to the CSS Grid Inspector in Firefox Nightly 2017/07/25
- How to Bundle a Simple Static Site Using Webpack 2017/07/25 ★★★★★
- Reducing CSS bundle size 70% by cutting the class names and using scope isolation 2017/07/25 ★★★
- CSS Architecture with ReactJS 2017/07/25
- CSS vs. JavaScript: Trust vs. Control 2017/07/25
Web Design / UX
- Tiny Text: 6 Ways to Use It Effectively in Web Design 2017/07/25
- The designer’s guide to using colour in branding 2017/07/25
- Designing The Perfect Slider 2017/07/25
- 5 Unbreakable Rules for UI Animation on the Web 2017/07/25
- Punctuation & Grammar: Bridging the Gap Between UX and Copywriting 2017/07/25
- Designing The Perfect Date And Time Picker 2017/07/25
- Dropdown alternatives for better (mobile) forms 2017/07/25
- Don’t Use Split Buttons for Navigation Menus 2017/07/25
- The 1 UX Mistake We Nearly All Make 2017/07/25
- Inline validation is problematic 2017/07/25 ★★★
- Random Material Palette 2017/07/25
- Learn Colors 2017/07/25
- Materialize 2017/07/25
- MUI 2017/07/25
- Surface 2017/07/25
- Material Foundation 2017/07/25
- Material Design Lite 2017/07/25
- Material Components for the Web 2017/07/25
- reproCSS 2017/07/25