2017 Jun 6th Reading Ref


New topic to study: Scrum
Highlight: What is the Future of Front End Web Development?

  • User expectations on the rise.
  • New JavaScript is here.
  • We’re not building pages, we’re building systems.
  • The line between native and web is blurring.
  • URLs are still a killer feature.
  • Performance is a key player.
  • CSS will get much more modular.
  • CSS preprocessing will slowly fade away.
  • Being good at HTML and CSS remains vital.
  • Build processes will get competitive.

2017 May 3rd Reading Ref

2017 Apr 17th Reading Ref

2017 Apr 6th Reading Ref


What’s the difference between Grid and Table?
How does Grid help?
Do we really need a grid system for any sites?

2017 Mar 17th Reading Ref


CSS Grid: partial support in IE?! WTF?
Time to learn new things!
And, please keep this in ming: “A bad designer makes your CSS/HTML a mess.